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A Call for New Research in the Area of Hepatitis C
“The Congressional Budget Office regularly provides information to the Congress about the effects on the federal budget of policies related to preventive medical care. Today the agency released a report providing background about hepatitis C treatment and the budgetary effects of illustrative increases in such treatment among Medicaid beneficiaries. In addition to the report published today, further analysis is needed to determine the effects of proposed federal policies, such as a national treatment program, on both the extent of hepatitis C treatment and the federal budget. Policies could include efforts to expand outreach to identify people who have hepatitis C, such as improving the technology and scale of screening.”

Budgetary Effects of Policies That Would Increase Hepatitis C Treatment
“CBO describes its initial analysis of the potential federal budgetary effects of policies that would increase treatment of hepatitis C, focusing on two sample national policies that would increase treatment rates among Medicaid enrollees.”

Washington aims to eradicate hepatitis C, and screening matters
“When it comes to hepatitis C, we have made incredible scientific advances over the years. Hepatitis C is a viral infection causing liver inflammation and it can lead to serious liver damage and long-term illness. Because hepatitis C virus can reside in the body for many decades, often without causing symptoms until irreparable damage has occurred to the liver, many of the patients carrying this virus are unaware. But there’s a simple screening to tell if you have it and the goal is to test and treat before symptoms arise.”

ASHwell launches mobile clinic to bring HIV and Hep C care to Texas communities
“AUSTIN, Texas — This week, ASHwell, an Austin community clinic, unveiled its first-ever mobile unit at the Pride on the East Side event. This clinic on wheels will provide crucial HIV and Hepatitis C testing and treatment, including on-site medication such as the HIV prevention medication PrEP.”

Hepatitis C: Addressing the ‘Silent Syndemic’ and Improving Access to Care
“Hepatitis C has been called the “silent syndemic” because many people with the disease are unaware of their infection, explained Lindsey P. Sheehan, PharmD, MPA, MBA, a PGY2 pharmacy resident – specialty pharmacy administration and leadership, University of Kentucky HealthCare, during a presentation at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Pharmacy Futures 2024 in Portland, Oregon. “We call it the ‘silent syndemic’ really because, in a lot of places across the United States, hepatitis C was a huge area of focus for the baby boomer generation,” Sheehan said. “As more of those patients were identified and treated, in a lot of people’s minds, hepatitis C became less and less of a problem and went away. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.””

Finding Peace Of Mind After Addiction – Why It’s So Important To Get Tested For Hepatitis C
“One of the most common risks for people navigating addiction is contracting Hepatitis C (Hep C). Our series, Turning Points, is dedicated to giving former addicts and their partners a platform to share their recovery journeys. As part of the series, we also wanted to share valuable insights and resources about what it means to get your life back on track during the recovery process; one point being, getting tested for Hep C.”

Health Department launches Hepatitis C Treatment Program
“CENTRAL MICHIGAN — The Central Michigan District Health Department announced the launch of a new hepatitis C treatment program aimed at providing accessible and effective treatment to individuals in the community.”

“As a child growing up in Nigeria, Johns Hopkins physician Seun Falade-Nwulia felt distressed by the plight of female children and women in her society. “Over and over again, I could see how girls and mothers had so little power. There were so few expectations of what they could achieve or what they were expected to contribute,” says the associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “That has always stayed with me. I’ve always been drawn to those who are marginalized.””

Hepatitis Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Johnson, Velázquez Urge CMS To Improve Hep B Vaccine Access
“WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04) and Nydia M. Velázquez (NY-07), co-chairs of the Hepatitis Caucus, sent a letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services urging them to expand access for seniors to the hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination. The letter, addressed directly to CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, stated: “CMS has the authority through this rulemaking to expand the mass immunizer program to include all current and future Part B preventive vaccines, and specifically, alleviate long-standing barriers to hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination. We believe Medicare seniors and the disabled with intermediate to high risk factors for HBV would benefit from receiving HBV vaccines in mass immunizer sites, such as pharmacies, without the physician order requirement.””

Facilitated Telemedicine Soars in Treating Hepatitis C among Opioid Users
“Facilitated telemedicine has emerged as a key player in the fight against hepatitis C virus (HCV) by effectively bridging geographical and temporal barriers. The study, a prospective, cluster-randomized clinical trial conducted across twelve opioid treatment programs in New York State, sheds light on the potential of this innovative approach.”

HIV, HCV Testing Rates Suboptimal in Hospitalized Patients Who Use Drugs
“Patients who use drugs need more opportunities for HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing, as testing rates for these conditions during inpatient encounters are suboptimal among this population. These study results were published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.”

San Quentin delays and denies hepatitis C care to affected incarcerated people
“Luis Edward Gama arrived at California Correctional Institution in Tehachapi in 2016. While being processed, he tested positive for hepatitis C, but because he had 15 months left on his sentence, California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) denied his treatment.”