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Caring Ambassadors Program


Our mission is to improve the lives of patients and communities by empowering and educating them to be advocates for their health.

We help to answer the question, “Now what?” when dealing with chronic illness.

Our Focus

Caring Ambassadors Symbol. A mobius ribbon reminding us health is interconnected.

My Choices

The Caring Ambassadors Program provides tools to help you recognize and act upon what you can control in your health care journey to achieve optimal healing, regardless of the illness you face. 

Hepatitis C

We are honored to serve the community to eliminate the largest infectious disease outbreak of our time; we promise to be BOLD in creating paths to health and making hepatitis C history.

Lung Cancer

We Empower patients and providers with access to free educational materials, and resources and Advocate for access to screening and treatment for lung cancer for all communities.  

Our Approach and Philosophy

Integrative Health is

Whole Person Health

Your Health is determined by more than just the physical; shouldn’t your health care be, too?

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Our Symbol

All aspects of wellness are inextricably intertwined. Explore the loops of the Integrative Health Ribbon to discover how integrative approaches can enhance your well-being and help you heal, no matter your diagnosis.

Remember, this is your JOURNEY; these are your CHOICES. Healing is possible; how you achieve it is up to you.

Western Medicine

The majority of people in the United States receive most of their health care from doctors (MDs or DOs), nurses, physician’s assistants (Pas) and other medical providers who practice in in a medical setting like a hospital, medical clinic, or doctor’s office. This system is what most people think of when they hear the term “health care”. The Caring Ambassadors Program refers to this system as “Western Medicine”. Also known as “allopathic”, “conventional”, or “traditional” medicine, this is the most common form of health care in the United States and the western world. Learn more>


All aspects of health are connected—exercise can improve your physical health and have a positively impact the mental aspects of your illness. Developing an exercise plan and sticking with is a key piece of your journey and a component of your plan that cannot be ignored. Learn more>


You are what you eat. This is a fact of life. Our bodies transform what we eat and drink into the very substance of our physical selves. Diet is one of the most important factors that influences health in our society. A healthy, nourishing diet can prevent the onset of many diseases, slow, halt or reverse the effects of diseases that have already struck, and contribute to a longer life. Every individual, but especially those fighting a long-term illness, should consider making a sound nutrition plan part of their healing process. Learn more>


For thousands of years, spiritual practices have been an integral part of worldwide healing traditions. When you open up to spirituality, things may happen that do not seem logical or rational. When discussing spirituality, frequently the concepts of religion and prayer come to mind. Not all individuals take part in an organized religion or believe in prayer, but that doesn’t mean that spirituality is not, or shouldn’t be, a part of their life and self-care. So for our purposes, spirituality is simply defined as the unique connection between an individual and what they define as the source of healing. A spiritual practice can be spending time in nature, being of service to others, reading poetry or inspirational literature, communicating with ancestors, meditating, choosing to practice harmlessness. Learn more>

Complementary Medicine

Complementary Medicine is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of western medicine. Complementary therapies can often help improve quality of life and health outcomes in individuals living with long-term illness.

Chinese Medicine Learn more>

Naturopathic Medicine Learn more>

Ayurvedic Medicine Learn more>

Homeopathic Medicine Learn more>

Chiropractic Medicine Learn more>


Well-being is a broad term that means different things to different people, and for which there is no single definition. Several factors contribute to (or take away from) one’s well-being. A few of these are included in the below word cloud. These individual factors impact our emotional and mental health, which in turn impact our overall well-being state. The CDC describes “well-being” as judging life positively and feeling good. For purposes of My Choices, “Well-being” is a description of your mental and emotional health. Learn more>


Chronic stress contributes to anxiety, obesity, and heart disease, is linked to mental illnesses and pain, and is also a risk factor for substance abuse. Taking control of your stress with relaxation techniques is an excellent way to protect your overall health by counteracting its negative effects. Learn more>

Support System

Having supportive relationships is a strong predictor of well-being and increased quality of life. The effects of this impact aren’t just emotional; individuals with a strong support system also enjoy better health outcomes and reduced disease burden. In fact, having strong relationships helps us to live longer! Unfortunately, the opposite is also true: isolation and loneliness lead not only to depression, but also to poor health outcomes. Learn more>

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

– Viktor E. Frankel


The act of healing – whether from a chronic health condition or another transformative life event – means different things to different people. The Caring Ambassadors believes that ‘healing’ is a process of restoration to a state of wholeness and fulfillment and that physical healing from one’s illness may or may not be a part of this process.

To begin healing, it’s important to embrace the notion that health is defined by more than your physical state or the presence or absence of disease. To heal, you must nurture your whole health, which is why the Caring Ambassadors encourages you to adopt an integrative approach to your health care and explore all of your health care options. From there, you can take the actions needed to plan, pursue and achieve your health care goals and improve your quality of life.

 Imagine if your chronic health condition were actually an opportunity to live a healthier, more meaningful life…

Imagine that you could put together a health care team composed of the best medical doctors and health care practitioners, with you at the center…

Imagine that you knew the best treatments from all areas of health care and were committed to maintaining them….

Imagine that you were working on building a solid support system, managing stress, following the best nutritional guidance, nurturing your spirituality and mental and emotional health…

How much better off do you think you’d be?

Empowering people to be ambassadors for their health since 1997.

Weekly News Update

My Choices News Update

‘Weekend Warrior’ Workouts Boost Health as Much as Exercise Throughout the Week“People who exercise mostly on weekends get health benefits similar to those of people who exercise throughout the week, according to a recent study. Both types of exercisers should aim for...

Hepatitis C News Update

An evolutionary concept analysis: stigma among women living with hepatitis C“Stigma is a complex social phenomenon that leads to marginalization and influences the course of illness. In the context of hepatitis C virus (HCV), stigma is a well-documented barrier to...

Lung Cancer News Update

Obesity and survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or chemoimmunotherapy: a multicenter cohort study“Obesity may be associated with an increased overall survival among male patients treated with chemotherapy,...

Join Our Weekly News Update

Caring Ambassadors Program provides 3 weekly news updates covering Lung Cancer News, Hepatitis C News, and My Choices© Update. Receive them delivered weekly to your inbox.