Hepatitis C Story Corner
We raise awareness of hepatitis C by empowering those who are most impacted to share their stories.
Through our partnership with StoryCorps, we’ve collected dozens of powerful stories
– so sit back and take a listen.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see our collection of works with artists, musicians, and poets.

Meet Steve

Meet Corinna

Meet Alan & Lucinda
Steve W.
Corinna D.

Meet Larry

Meet Kenneth

Meet Peter
Larry H.
Peter V.

Meet Jose

Meet Caleb

Meet Angel
Jose D.
Caleb W.
Angel L.

Meet Clara & Dante

Meet Audra & Linda

Meet Karen
Clara & Dante
Audra & Linda
Karen F.

Meet Paul

Meet Skip

Meet Cathy
Paul R.
Skip B.
Cathy H.

Meet Cynthia & Tom

Meet Kim & Michael

Meet Walter
Cynthia & Tom
Kim & Michael

Meet Matthew

Meet Sammy

Meet Louis
Matthew P.
Sammy D.
Louis D.

Meet James

Meet Stephen

Meet Brandon
James G.
Stephan K.

Meet Amanda

Meet Peter & Kathy

Meet Ian
Amanda M.
Kathy & Peter

Meet Mary & Dr. Jensen

Meet Maggie

Meet Alicia
Mary & Dr. Jensen
Alicia S.

Meet Dan & Sharon

Meet Andrea

Meet Navin
Dan & Sharon

Meet Sarah & Laura

Meet Randy & Kim

Meet Lindy
Sarah & Laura
Randy & Kim

Meet Kaisa


Meet Toyin

Meet Kathie

Meet Sanford

Meet Jenny
Kathie K.
Sanford G.

Meet Andy

Meet Gene
Lily Wolf
Bruce Conte
Ken DeRouchie
Curtis Salgado
Bruce Conte from Tower of Power

Curtis Salgado
Tower of Power bandleader, Emilio Castillo
The Time is Now!
Caring Ambassadors Dunk Tank at Portland Waterfront Blues Fest featured on KOIN 6!
Oregon Representative
In the fight against hepatitis C, young voices have been noticeably absent. In the fall of 2017, the Caring Ambassadors Program and some poets from Young Chicago Authors set out to change that. Together, they formed a partnership that would bring a fresh and unique perspective to messaging in the fight against hepatitis C. The original concept that was developed was entitled, “Message to My Gramps” and was designed to create an intergenerational dialogue between Baby Boomers and young people.
Two young poets stepped up to the challenge – Luis Carranza and Kara Jackson applied their creativity and the projects morphed from a singular message into an anthology of creative works that addresses hepatitis C in prison settings, and the hepatitis C disparities that exist in minority communities.

Luis Carranza