This ancient disease still kills 1 million people every year“A new generation of drugs promised salvation from hepatitis B and C. What went wrong?” NSW Dried Blood Spot HIV and Hepatitis C Testing Pilot: Mid-Point Evaluation, November 2016 – December 2020“The NSW DBS...
Opioid Overdose Patients in Central Missouri, United States, Have High Rates of Hepatitis C Infection and Limited Testing History“Conclusion: There is a substantial burden of HCV among opioid overdose patients in central Missouri, United States, emergency departments,...
Martinez Receives Global Honor for Hepatitis Work“The accolades for the work being done at the “La Bodega” hepatology clinic at the Erie County Medical Center continue to roll in.” Chronic Hepatitis C Leaves Lasting Epigenetic Scars“Hepatitis C is a silent yet...
WHO releases global report, consolidated guidelines to tackle viral hepatitis“The WHO “Global hepatitis report 2024: action for access in low- and middle-income countries” is the first consolidated WHO report on viral hepatitis epidemiology, service coverage and...
Providence patients sue over concerns about possible HIV, hepatitis exposure “Four people who underwent surgery at Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center in Oregon City filed a lawsuit after the hospital system warned the patients earlier this month that they may...
Are financial incentives holding back cures?“A promising new cure sparked a wave of renewed interest in gene therapies about a decade ago — but it also set off alarm bells in the financial world.” High Rates of HCV Reinfection in NYC“Over nearly two decades, a study...