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One life, one liver
“World Hepatitis Day is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness on viral hepatitis, and this year’s theme is ‘one life, one liver’.

You have only got one life, and you have only got one liver. Hepatitis can devastate both.

Your liver silently performs over 500 vital functions every single day to keep you alive.

But viral hepatitis infection is also silent, with symptoms only appearing once the disease is advanced. Although there are many different types of hepatitis viruses (A to E), hepatitis B and C are the most concerning and cause nearly 8000 new infections every day, which are mostly going undetected.

The result? Over one million hepatitis-related deaths every single year – and one new chronic infection every ten seconds. And that’s why liver health is fundamental to human health.

So many hepatitis deaths could be prevented. Because there are vaccines and effective treatments for hepatitis B and even a cure for hepatitis C – you CAN protect yourself and your loved ones.

Speak to your local healthcare provider to find out how to protect yourself from hepatitis.”

A clinic in Buffalo is detecting—and treating—hepatitis C virus in infants
“BUFFALO, N.Y. – A pediatric infectious disease team led by University at Buffalo faculty is screening and treating hepatitis C virus (HCV)-exposed infants. The clinic’s efforts are documented in a new paper based on an 11-year retrospective chart review, published this month in BMC Gastroenterology.”

Voices of Hope offering free hepatitis C testing in Aberdeen
“Voices of Hope is tackling this problem head-on with its new, free hepatitis C testing program. After signing a consent form, staff will administer a tiny finger prick and then test the drop of blood for the virus. It only takes 20 minutes to get the result, according to a news release.”

MSD’s HCV report calls for key elimination boosts
“MSD has released a new report, Driving Elimination through HCV Case Finding in Primary Care, that highlights the urgent need for improved case finding among GP practices in order to deliver NHS England’s bold hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination strategy.”

WHO Updates Recommendations for HIV, Hepatitis, STI Interventions in Prisons
“The policy brief, which is an update to broader 2022 guidance, offers a recommended package of interventions for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, and STIs among people in prisons and other closed settings.”

“Report centers on perceptions of treatment access among people who use drugs.
HONOLULU, HI – In a new report, the Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) confirmed that syringe exchange programs provide important opportunities to eliminate infectious diseases like hepatitis C. Syringe exchanges not only prevent infections from spreading throughout the community, but also serve as essential health hubs for people who use drugs. This landmark report used qualitative research methods to seek guidance from people who use drugs on ways to increase the use of curative hepatitis C treatment.”

Increased use of diagnostics and medicines for viral hepatitis could save up to 100.000 lives in the Americas each year
“Washington, D.C., 27 July 2023 (PAHO) – On the eve of World Hepatitis Day, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is urging countries to rapidly scale-up access to diagnosis and treatment for hepatitis B and C to achieve the goal of elimination in the Region by 2030. Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that can lead to serious disease and death, affects over 10 million people in the Americas. While hepatitis can become chronic, it can be effectively controlled with medicines if detected in time.”

On World Hepatitis Day, NYC Health + Hospitals Expands Its Hepatitis C Navigation Program to Three New Hospital Sites to Address Patient Need
“The Hepatitis C Navigator program will now be at nine NYC Health + Hospital facilities, which reflect areas of greatest need. Navigators improve Hepatitis C screening, connect patients to care, and support individuals until they are cured, with the ultimate goal of ending the Hepatitis C epidemic in the city.”

‘We’re not waiting’: World Hepatitis Day pushes for urgent elimination of viral hepatitis
“On Friday, clinicians and researchers across the world recognized World Hepatitis Day as an opportunity to honor the “more than a million lives lost to hepatitis” every year and redouble national efforts to stop its spread.”

Velázquez and Johnson Reintroduce Resolution in Support of World Hepatitis Day
“Washington D.C.— Today, on World Hepatitis Day, Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY) and Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) reintroduced a resolution raising awareness about the issues surrounding hepatitis B and C. Each year, thousands of Americans die of viral hepatitis, and another 75,000 are infected. Worldwide, an estimated 520 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B and C, and an estimated 1.3 million die as a result of these viruses annually. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and the incidence of liver disease caused by these viruses, have become urgent problems of a global proportion. Notably, African Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, members of the LGBTQ community, and persons who inject drugs intravenously all have higher rates of chronic viral hepatitis infections.”