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CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program promotes lifestyle changes, leading to transformations. Elizabeth Bolt used to drink three 32 oz. Mountain Dews a day. For breakfast, she’d have a Coke. For lunch, she’d have a candy bar.”

The Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan to Improve Health Behaviors announced by the Alabama Wellness Alliance
“The Alabama Wellness Alliance (AWA), previously the Alabama Obesity Task Force, has released the Alabama Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan (ALPAN), which is supported by the governor of Alabama and the state health officer. Low rates of physical activity, poor nutritional intake, food insecurity, chronic diseases, and obesity are public health concerns throughout the United States, especially in Alabama”

What is the best type and combo of exercise to lower death risk?
“According to a new study, a balanced regimen of moderate and vigorous activity, along with two muscle-strengthening sessions a week, can reduce the risk of various forms of mortality. The study also found even greater reductions in mortality risk by exceeding current physical activity guidelines. The study suggests that clinicians should ease their physically inactive patients into a healthy mix of exercises.”

Wall squats can help to lower blood pressure – here’s how to perform the exercise at home
“From the cadence of a leisurely stroll to the vigour of a jog around the neighbourhood, the consensus among fitness and medical experts has remained steadfast: Exercise is a stalwart ally in the quest to lower blood pressure.”

Exercising on little sleep could be bad for your brain, new study says
“You could lose that boost of energy and mental clarity you get after a workout — if you don’t get enough sleep. But that’s just the beginning. Turns out not getting enough sleep, coupled with exercise, could actually be bad for your brain.”

Walking will dramatically improve your health, thousands of daily steps not needed
“In an era where technology often confines us to sedentary habits, walking remains a readily available and simple form of exercise. A new study suggests that the more we walk, the more we stand to gain in terms of health benefits.”

New international guidelines will improve cystic fibrosis treatment
“Newswise — People living with cystic fibrosis (CF) will benefit from improved treatment as international experts produce clinical practice guidance for exercise assessments. The European CF Society Exercise Working Group (ECFS) document, led by Dr Zoe Saynor from the University of Portsmouth in England, provides comprehensive recommendations and instructions for health and care professionals carrying out exercise tests on individuals with the condition.”

A Comprehensive Review of Upper Gastrointestinal Symptom Management in Autoimmune Gastritis: Current Insights and Future Directions
“Autoimmune gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to autoimmune dysregulation. Upper gastrointestinal symptoms associated with autoimmune gastritis can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and require effective management strategies. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of upper gastrointestinal symptom management in autoimmune gastritis, aiming to consolidate existing knowledge, identify gaps, and offer insights for future research and clinical practice.”

WHO convenes first high-level global summit on traditional medicine to explore evidence base, opportunities to accelerate health for all
“The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening the Traditional Medicine Global Summit on 17 and 18 August 2023​ in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Co-hosted by the Government of India, the Summit will explore the role of traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine in addressing pressing health challenges and driving progress in global health and sustainable development.”

The 10 Unhealthiest Store-Bought Salsas
“There are so many ways to enjoy salsa, from topping nachos to using it as a salad dressing. The best part is that this savory sauce can be healthy. Healthline explains that salsa is an excellent source of vitamin C. Ingredients like tomatoes and other herbs and spices provide antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory compounds. As a bonus, you get dietary fiber that helps speed movement along your gut and keep you healthy.”

Women’s hormone expert shares her method for eliminating menstrual pain: ‘Desperate to feel better’
“More than 90% of women say they experience premenstrual symptoms of some kind, according to the Office on Women’s Health, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services.”

Just how bad is alcohol? Eight experts weigh in on the risks and supposed benefits of drinking
“Although it’s common knowledge that drinking too much is unhealthy, research sometimes conflicts about where the dividing line is between permissible and risky alcohol consumption — and whether drinking a small amount could come with any health benefits.”