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Dance Therapy Can Improve Cognitive Function In Those 55+
“New research published in the journal BMC Geriatrics found that dance therapy significantly improved cognitive function in adults 55 and older. Researchers came to this conclusion after looking at 10 different studies with a total of 984 participants over 55 years old who reported age-related mild cognitive impairment (MCI), making them more susceptible to dementia. These studies were conducted around the world in Spain, the Philippines, Japan, Greece, and China. They looked at how different forms of dance (including ballroom, square dance, and aerobic dance) impacted the participants’ cognition compared to control treatments like physical therapy and health education.”

The association between different types of physical activity and smoking behavior
“Given that different types of physical activity have different associations with smoking behavior. Therefore, when physical activity is used as a tobacco control measurement, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and environment of physical activity. Recreational physical activities should be appropriately increased, sedentary behavior should be reduced, and smoking prohibit environment should be expanded as far as possible to achieve better clinical intervention effects.”

The Health Implications of Laughter: From Ab Workouts to Stress Reduction
“A ubiquitous characteristic found in all humans is the ability to laugh, no matter what culture or race, this seems to be a common denominator that connects everyone. While laughing is an attribute of happiness and joy, it also has significant health implications that benefits the individual, from reducing stress levels to boosting the immune system as well as aiding with physical health. This article will delve into the various health advantages of engaging in laughter.”

Beyond the obvious: Exploring the social determinants of health
“Being healthy is at the top of many of our to-do lists. But did you know that social factors often have a greater influence on your health than the medical care you receive? Enter the social determinants of health.”

Wasabi May Offer A Spicy Solution for Boosting Brain Power
“A study found that a compound in wasabi called 6-MSITC significantly improves memory in older adults. Participants receiving 6-MSITC supplements showed a 10 percent increase in working memory and 12 percent in episodic memory over 12 weeks. While wasabi improved specific memory functions, it did not affect other cognitive areas like processing speed, indicating its benefits are memory-specific.”

King Charles appoints pro-homeopathy doctor as head of royal medical household
““Buckingham Palace said in a statement to the newspaper that Dr Dixon was a practising GP, a Fellow of the Royal College of GPs, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. “Dr Dixon does not believe homeopathy can cure cancer. His position is that complementary therapies can sit alongside conventional treatments, provided they are safe, appropriate and evidence based,” the statement said. “As Prince of Wales, The King’s position on complementary therapies, integrated health and patient choice was well documented. In his own words, ‘Nor is it about rejecting conventional medicines in favour of other treatments: the term complementary medicine means precisely what it says’.””

Vegan Diet May Curb Hot Flashes by Altering the Gut Microbiome
“A 12-week low-fat vegan diet with soybeans led to significant changes in the gut microbiome that correlated with significant reductions in vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women.”

Myasthenia Gravis: A Systematic Review
“Myasthenia gravis (MG), a rare disease, is the most common neuromuscular junction problem. It’s the quintessential autoimmune disease with ocular, bulbar, respiratory, axial, and limb muscles exhibiting a typical fatigable weakening due to the development of antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Infections, stress, surgeries, thymus gland anomalies, and pharmaceutical side effects can also cause it.”

New study says less salt can lower blood pressure and your chance of stroke and heart disease
“High blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease – both are leading causes of death in Texas. But a new study suggests cutting 1 teaspoon of salt from your diet each day can lower your top blood pressure reading as much as hypertension medication. A teaspoon may not sound like much, but cardiologist Dr. Brandie Williams of Texas Health Stephenville told KERA’s Sam Baker less salt can make a difference.”

Mindfulness Could Help Women with Opioid Use Disorder Better Control Drug Urges
“Newswise — Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) — a behavioral intervention that integrates training in mindfulness, emotion regulation strategies and savoring of natural rewards — could hold the key to mitigating relapse in women undergoing medically assisted opioid use disorder treatment, a Rutgers study found. The pilot study published in the journal Explore, is the first to evaluate the potential neural changes that underlie women’s emotion regulation and craving after an eight-week MORE intervention.”