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My Choices News Update

Extended reality improves the mental and physical health of children with disabilities: Here is how“Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham are using extended reality to help improve the mental and physical health of children with disabilities. Byron...

My Choices News Update

Cancer is the biggest health concern among the public, poll reveals“Two-thirds of the public say they are very or somewhat worried about being told they have the disease—higher than for any other medical condition, including dementia and having a heart...

My Choices News Update

For better brain function, have a healthy diet starting young. But don’t worry, it’s never too late to start.“Here’s some food for thought: How you eat is linked to better brain function. New research finds that people who eat healthily throughout their...

My Choices News Update

What Americans want from food: Energy, muscle strength, better health and less stress “What’s for dinner? It’s a deceptively simple question, asked millions of times each day. But consider the myriad factors that go into answering it—from cost to...

My Choices News Update

My Doctor Emailed Me The Worst Possible News. It Sent Me Into A Tailspin — And Changed My Life.“I don’t know if it was cowardice, lack of bedside manner, or just laziness that prompted my doctor to notify me by email. One assumes this kind of news is best delivered in...

My Choices News Update

Ultrasound offers a new way to perform deep brain stimulation“Deep brain stimulation, by implanted electrodes that deliver electrical pulses to the brain, is often used to treat Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. However, the electrodes used...