Lung Cancer Choices© 6th Edition Menu
Chapter 1: Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer
Chapter 2: Comprehensive Biomarker Testing
Chapter 3: Surgery for Lung Cancer Patients
Chapter 5: Radiation Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Chapter 6: Treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer
Chapter 7: Clinical Trials and Emerging Therapies for Lung Cancer
Chapter 9: Nutrition in the Patient with Lung Cancer
Chapter 10: Sexuality and Lung Cancer
Chapter 11: Integrative Medicine, Complementary Therapies, and Chinese Medicine in Lung Cancer
Chapter 12: Lung Cancer in People who have Never Smoked
Chapter 13: How to Quit Smoking Confidently and Successfully
Lung Cancer Question Builder - Develop your list of "Questions to Ask" your providers
Using Lung Cancer Choices©
Lung Cancer Choices ©serves several purposes. It provides information about lung cancer to help you make informed decisions about treatment options. It presents a balanced view of the available treatment options from Western medicine, Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), and Chinese medicine. It also helps you communicate more effectively with health care providers and empowers you to be the best advocate for your health care.
Making Informed Decisions
When dealing with a serious illness like lung cancer, making potentially life-changing decisions can be challenging. Everyone has a unique approach to decision-making. Some people prefer to know everything they can about their disease to make their own treatment decisions, while others rely on their health care providers to make decisions based on their knowledge and expertise. Some people prefer to have a friend or family member seek out and sort through information, while many use a combination of approaches.
The book may contain medical terms that are new to you. You can find the definitions within the chapter or the Glossary at the back of the book. Becoming familiar with these words will help you better understand lung cancer and communicate more efficiently with your health care providers.
Lung Cancer Choices© aims to help you understand your disease and the available treatment options. Knowledge empowers you to ask the necessary questions to become your best advocate. Once your questions have been asked and answered, you and your providers will be in the best situation to determine your best treatment approach.
An Important Note to the Reader
It is important to note that Lung Cancer Choices© was created by Caring Ambassadors to provide information about various approaches to treating and managing lung cancer. The information presented in the book is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.
Each chapter and section of the book has been authored independently and reflects the author’s unique approach to lung cancer treatment based on their medical discipline and experience. Therefore, an author is responsible only for the accuracy of the information presented in their chapter section. Any statement about commercial products is solely the author’s opinion and does not represent an endorsement or evaluation of these products by the Caring Ambassadors Program.
Choosing a treatment for lung cancer is a personal decision. We encourage you to carefully assess the information provided here and elsewhere and work with your health care providers to choose treatment approaches that meet your needs.
Visual Glossary